Well, I guess it has been awhile since I've made time to add to our Welcome Street blog. Five months in fact! However, I do have a very good excuse! I've been consumed in a very exciting, and sometimes overwhelming, Teacher of the Year process for my school district. I am so thankful for the opportunity it has given me to grow professionally and personally. However, more than that, I am so thankful for the support that my school and team members have given to me. It's unreal to be surrounded by such an amazing body of friends and staff members. Summer is slowly coming! I hope to be able to spend more time and focus on the Welcome Street Blog. If you'd like to see where my focus has been please visit, www.heartsstories.blogspot.com to see the learning that has been taking place in my second grade classroom.
Noah is almost 15 months old now! He is walking, talking and teething! He has 5 teeth breaking through at the moment. He is into everything and especially LOVES to Skype with his grandparents. His newest "trick" is giving high fives! He continues to fill us with more joy than we have ever known!