
One 39 fourteen

Refocusing in the New Year has prompted a change of address and name for this blog.

If Facebook was scripture, I'd know it by heart. My computer recognizes my addiction to the extent of when I type "www" into the web browser it immediately suggests "www.facebook.com". My blackberry lures me to check my page by flashing the little red light on the screen over and over until I check. 

Chances are if you ask me about someone's status update, I could tell you where/what they are doing or did. Ask me when I last spoke to this person face to face....that I may not be able to tell you.

I confess, I am completely and utterly addicted to your business. Your message, comment or "like" makes my impatient phone flash a red light until I eagerly check it. And, well, my computer doesn't need the flashing red light because it has already figured me out and knows that is where I want to go before I type it into the web browser. 

So all this time checking recently updated status listings has surely accumulated over the years. I don't have much to show for it. Except that I could tell you various family, friends and acquaintances most recent trips, kid's photos, life experiences or general fluff to fill the status box. The problem in this is that I LOVE the fluff a little too much. It has taken me away from being present with my own little one. Anyone beside me ever tell their child to hold on a few minutes ....meanwhile I ignore him so I can post pictures of him on FB and write about how much I love him? Guilty.

I am going to try in this new year to be less obsessed with status updates and more interested in hearing from God. Too bad he doesn't write on my facebook page, just kidding!! What if God wrote my status update for me? What would it say? 

Facebook and Blogs can be incredible tools to connect, grow and learn from and with others. But, more often than not for me, they are are time consuming distractors from my family and from God. I want my first thought when I wake up to be what is God speaking to my heart today instead of what is new on my FB page.

On this first day of 2012 it is mighty tempting to list resolutions of the flesh. Stop this, do that, lose this, start that..I don't think I can do resolutions anymore because I've never been successful with them over long periods of time. Then again, I've never found favor in anything I've tried to do apart from God. I think instead  of resolutions, mine are prayers. It's only through His help that I accomplish anything in this life.

                  Rejoice on the journey
                  Read His word. Hear His voice.
                  Put faith into Action.

My prayer for 2012 is for God to see my true devotion to Him above all else. I want to live with such conviction and faith as Job does in Psalm 139, when he asks God in this prayer to search and know his heart.

I especially am going to focus this year on verse 14 of Psalm 139:

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Next year at this time, I hope I know less about status updates and more about scripture. I'd like to share this in closing from the devotional, Jesus Calling page 2 January 1

"Come to me with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close walk with Me is a life of continual newness. Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year, Instead seek My face with an open mind, knowing that your journey with Me involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind. As you focus your thoughts on Me, be aware that I am fully attentive to you. I see you with a steady eye, because My attention span is infinite. I know and understand you completely: My thoughts embrace you in everlasting Love. I also know the plans I have for you: plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Give yourself fully to this adventure of increasing attentiveness to My presence."

Happy New Year