
It's a ....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We've finally reached the 20 week milestone along with the awaited anatomy ultrasound scan. For weeks we have been undecided on if we were going to find out the gender. However,  Noah has proclaimed it is a boy since we told him we were going to have a baby several weeks ago.We went to our appointment not knowing if we were going to find out or not because we were a house divided on our thoughts of finding out! I'd come to accept that I would probably not find out because I could not keep a secret like that from Rob!

At the appointment, after much surprise Rob gave me the go ahead to find out (he was hoping to find out the day we delivered)! Though I thought  about asking, "Are you sure?" I decided I'd better not hesitate and go with the thumbs up!

Turns out, Noah was right! He will have a little brother this February (or possibly late January). We are overjoyed! God is so good. His love has captured me in this moment.

                                             Here is Daddy's first picture with his two boys.
Already rough housing with his brother!!!


  1. What wonderful news :) I loved watching the video of Noah!!

  2. I know that Noah is very excited about having a baby brother. Congratulations!
