
Quiet Time Basket

Today I started attending a bible study through my church called Magnificent Obsession by Anne Graham Lotz. She has an interesting approach to her quiet time and I'm looking forward to spending more time in the word. Before the study began, the host of the study was giving some tips to making quiet time more successful.  She spoke about the idea of a prayer basket where you keep all the items you use during your quiet time so you don't have to search for them before you begin thus cutting into the time you have to do your devotional. I thought it sounded like a great idea because I struggle to maintain a consistent quiet time and seem to find many distractions that take away from the time I do have to do it. Tonight, I used her idea and put together a devotional basket. My basket includes: my Bible, a journal, pens, highlighter, tissues, and my current devotional books. I am hoping this helps me focus and be more intentional with my time! Try it! Anyone else have any tips on making a more successful routine of quiet times? 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great idea. I have something kind of like that in my sunroom which is where I do my studying! Sometimes I go in there and watch the sunrise! It is an amazing sight! God is good!!!!!
