

Traditions. Simple actions that become lifetime memories. Memories that are passed on. Ones that are remembered. Tonight was the beginning of a new tradition in our home. We love carving pumpkins.We were blessed this year to have Nana and Papa with us from Ohio so they made the evening even more special.

After dinner we carved a traditional pumpkin and drilled, yes drilled, a pumpkin. I had seen the idea on the great "Play at Home Mom blog", they called it  Power Tool Pumpkins. Then, today while flipping through the channels they featured a similar idea for a table center piece on a new show called, The Chew. They didn't carve out the pumpkin, instead drilled the holes and inserted lollipops into them. It was a cute idea. Here is our version of Power Tool Pumpkins. Thanks for the great idea Play at Home Moms!

Then, we all watched Charlie Brown's The Great Pumpkin while snacking on Kettle Corn and fresh Apple Cider. The little one ended in the evening in his Halloween pj's with Froggy's Halloween  for story time. It was a precious evening and I will cherish this memory. My hope is for this memory to come to life each year as we celebrate Halloween as a family.

PS. After dinner this evening we tried a new dessert that I found through Pinterest. Here is a link to Pumpkin Pie Dip. It's delicious and easy!

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