
Guest Blogger: Rebekah Page

I hesitate to even write this.  I am not worthy. I am a broken and leaking vessel. I am lying in bed riddled with guilt from the day.  It is not every day that my heart is broken for how I have behaved or thought.  But tonight is different.  The spirit is leading me to tears yet my sinful nature is angry and bitter at the same time.  Good and evil are raging inside with a mixture of love-remorse  and guilt-and-sin.  

I trust in the spirit and stop and pray.  

“Lord, I know this __________ is still inside of me.  I see it.  I hate it and I am asking you to take it from me. Restore my soul.  I know that without you, I can do nothing good. Every good and perfect gift is from you.  I know that I need you to help me be more loving, caring, gentle, patient, and kind.  I need to be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to become angry.  I do not want to think or feel this way, in Jesus name. Amen.”

But you see, without my brokenness and your brokenness we would want to glorify ourselves. Our brokenness is one way we are drawn to Jesus, who is our breakthrough. Who is the creator and perfecter of our faith.  Who chose us to be the first fruits of all he created.  We are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that he prepared in advance for us to do. Brokenness make us reliant on him and not on on our own good works.  For apart from him we can do nothing! Refreshing breakthrough does not come in my strength to do better, and think better, but by my willingness to listen and respond to his good pleasures and purposes.

So the Lord restored my soul tonight with that prayer.  I was reminded that I do not have to be perfect, to be loved.  I am a work in progress.  I can write this post confident I am who he created me to be.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made, created in His image to bear much fruit.  And though I mess up, I will run to him.  He is my true redeemer and friend.  His yoke is easy and his burden in light.   My spiritual walk is not measured by how good I was today or this week, but by how fast I run to Jesus to restore my soul and cleanse me from my sin.   I will turn to the truth, cling to the what is true, right, lovely, and worthy of praise.  I will cast off sin that so easily entangles me and the lies that deceive. I choose to walk in a way that is worthy of the calling to which Jesus Christ has called me. And he has called you.  He wants to walk with you and carry you when you need it until you BREAK FREE and BREAK THROUGH from whatever is hindering you.

Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me and thank you Jonathan Shanks for your sermon on Sunday that was inspiration for this post.

I’ll close with two acts of worship: (A Painting and a Prayer/Song)
Using paint to infuse my heart, mind, and soul with truth.

“I pray that you would lead and we would follow. We are looking forward to going farther than our feet could ever go on their own.  We pray we would go into unchartered waters with you by faith, and because we were obedient, you will come through.  We know you will follow-through for you are our breakthrough.   Thank you Jesus for conquering sin and death.  Amen.”

Read the full lyrics at:
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior”

Scripture References from the Post to Dig Deeper in Truth with Me:
Philippians 4:8

Thank you so much Rebekah for sharing this important message about relying on Christ and His strength to help us "Break free and break through" our struggles! I know I need to break free and break through many things DAILY! I look forward to many more teachings from you on this blog! Just like God put a word on Rebekah's heart, I know He is stirring in many of the hearts reading this. If you are ever interested in being a Guest Blogger or Illustrator on One 39 Fourteen, please let us know!

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