
Speak Life Giveaway

                                        Speak Life Giveaway 
                                                 by Beth Massey

I love it when God knits moments together. For the last three weeks, my pastor, Trey Kelly, has been leading our church through a series entitled “Sticks and Stones: They May Break Bones butWords Can Change a Life.” We’ve learned how much weight our words carry, what they reveal about the condition of our hearts, how we can heal our hearts through our Savior and begin to communicate in a more Christ-like way with others. It has been a game-changer for me personally. While on a long run this Tuesday, I was listening to a podcast of pastor Craig Groeschel’s sermon “The Language ofRevival” from Elevation Church’s Code Orange Revival. He covered a related topic – that we should never underestimate the power of even one small word of encouragement. He asked a question. How often do we think of a blessing, but fail to share it? How often do we think something nice about someone else, but fail to say it? What if that one thing you held back might have made their day, or perhaps changed the course of their life?

These two men are amazing at what they do, so I won’t even attempt to expand on their teachings here. Instead, I have a little mission for you, friends. I’d simply like you to take some time to listen to their sermons found at the links above. Then, I’d like you to bless someone with a kind word, a genuine compliment or a word of encouragement. If you are willing to share that blessing publicly in the comments of this post on our One39Fourteen Facebook page and tag the blessed friend, your name will be ENTERED TO WIN a water bottle with the One 39 Fourteen logo. Just as there is no limit to the reach of your kindness, there is no limit to the number of times you may enter to win. If you bless and tag one person, your name will be entered once. If you bless and tag ten people, your name will be entered ten times. The last day to enter is Friday, October 7th. The winner will be announced the following day. So, dial up those sermons and get ready to SPEAK LIFE!

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