
Even Still

By: Jenny Edwards

Early this morning, I lay wide awake with a heavy heart for our world. So many people are hurting. So many friends are carrying such grief. In the midst of all the suffering it is easy to feel so small. The words to this poem, Even Still, came to me when sleep would not. They brought comfort in the remembrance that even in the midst of pain, in the midst of suffering, in the midst of a broken world, amongst all of my inadequacies, even still, He is good. He is powerful. He has not forgotten the broken hearted. Even still, in my restlessness, He is with me. So when my words fail me and I don't know what to do or how to comfort those I love... I will rest assured, that He, even still, is a God who keeps His promises.

When the heaviness closes in on me and the world around me seems to fall
When dreams come crashing to the floor and all I’ve hoped for is no more.

I cry out to you in my suffering, my words spoken in heavy tears 
When reasons and understanding cannot explain
He whispers in my ear

Even still
Even still I hold you, I hear you, I’m with you.
Even still you can be strong.
Even still, I am with you and will give you reason to go on.

When the phone rings with the doctor’s news that derails the hopes once had
When consuming ache fills the place where loved ones were lost

Month after month, when a test says “we’re not”.
When the world says all hope is lost, I hear Him say

Even still
Even still I hold you, I hear you, I’m with you.
Even still you can be strong.
Even still, I am with you and will give you reason to go on.

When a mother’s heart is breaking
When a father’s world is shaking
When sin’s temptation has buried all hope in the ground

God has overcome the grave
Arise now and hear him say, 
Even still I am with you.

When the weight of the grief,
I can bear no more and I find myself on the floor
I hear him say, Stand. Now. Even still.

Even still I hold you, I hear you, I’m with you.
Even still, you can be strong.
Even still, I am with you and will give you reason to go on.

When answers are not coming, and reasons don't explain
When all has been stripped away except the one who hears me say

Even still
Even still, Lord you hold me, you hear me, you're with me.
Even still you strengthen me
Even still, you're with me and have given me a reason to go on.

The grief that overcomes me cannot remain
Knowing the Hope of your salvation and the promises You contain.

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