
I am Perry Noble.

Grace We've been Given

I am Perry Noble. If your are a Christ follower, you are, too. A rescued sinner in need of a savior every moment of every day.

I have never attended NewSpring Church but have had the great opportunity to listen in an arena with 13,000 other people to a powerful, compelling, God honoring sermon by Noble. My heart aches for his church but more so for him and his personal struggle that has been brought into the light. My prayer is that the public "fall" of a man who has led hundreds of thousands to Christ will become the catalyst to a conversation amoungst christians to be authentic and vulnerable to share the real pain, the real temptations faced, and the great redemption story that awaits. 

It's as though the world can forget..or maybe just not know...that to be a christian does not mean life suddenly becomes easier or the temptations fade away. To be a Christ follower simply means that the price as already been paid and there is HOPE that our struggles will not consume us - just as I know it will not consume him. My prayers are with you Perry Noble. Get well. You are not alone and you are loved.

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