Our struggles. Our suffering. The host of emotions that we feel on the path of life through the canopy of difficult times mold us. The same painful experiences that mold us, can be used to mend the breaking pieces of another.
To share your story, is to hold the hand of another and help them find their way out of the woods of their struggle.
This Summer, while in the mountains of North Carolina, Zach and I went for a hike in the woods. I had recently read a passage in the Bible about being rooted near the water. In Jeremiah 17:8 it says, "They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

If you are in a year of drought or doubt, today I encourage you to have the faith of child who is on a walk in the woods. Zach didn't have to know his way out. The thought of getting lost in the forest never even entered his mind. He knew the plans I had for us, for our walk, were good. He trusted the path. He knew as long as he walked along side me, we was safe and on an adventure with his mom.
If you are lost in darkness of the woods in this season of life, look for the path out. With faith like a child, allow the Father, to take your hand and lead you. Today I ask that you consider that your own times of suffering have prepared you to walk ahead on the path. The very same path that someone is going to need you, and your understanding of the trail, to show them the way out of the woods. Today I am asking you, specifically, you...the one who is reading this...will you share your story of your path out of the woods? Would you be willing to share on this blog through your writing, your words or even a video what God has done for you?
I've been lost many times in the forest of life. I haven't always allowed the one who knows the way to help me find my way out. I'm learning to have faith like a child and trust He knows the way. I've even found the strength at times, to run in the midst of the forest following his lead, out. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those whose hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Just as a tree apart from its roots, will come crashing down; the branch cut off from its vine will whither and die. His will for us is so much more than a pile of withered, rotting sticks waiting to become ash after the fire. But, He who is Mighty to Save, turns our ashes into beauty if we simply remain rooted in Him. For we each are a branch, none superior to another, that needs the support of the root.
He is asking you to share your story. What was the canopy over you that created the darkness in your forest? How did He help you find your way out? Your story is greater than your insecurity about sharing it. People are lost, waiting for someone to say, I've been on the path you are walking and together we can find our way out.
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