
#Winning with FOCUS

By: Rebekah Page

My two-time alma mater just won the Division I National Baseball Championship!!!!!!!! It should spur me on to bigger and better things too, right?

So why do I want to quit mother-ing. Quit wife-ing. Quit life-ing.

Last night, I was specifically doubting my ability to get my children to bed at a decent hour. As summer days often go, we went from the gym, to swimming, to vacation bible school. With NO napping. My body and mind exhaustion was through the roof, and they had energy for days. Of course they wouldn’t rest. And my pregnancy hormones, emotions, and frustrations were mounting. I wish I could tell you I prayed, “ and out of my distress I called to the Lord, the Lord answered me and set me free,” as Psalm 118:5 says.  But I didn’t, I whined, complained in my head (and to my husband), and remained bitter and in bondage to my sin and anger until the next morning.  

But it didn’t and doesn’t have to be that way. Remaining in bondage to your failures friends, is not what our Father desires.  He desires for us to see we are on a team of destiny and we have already won when we surrender our lives to Christ.  

Whatever small feats we need to achieve, whether a proper bedtime, or other, can be met with success when we Focus on the Father and His word.  He can give us the winning perspective. Filling us with confidence, peace, and joy despite our normal propensity to whine.

And if we are in a season of winning, we can give glory to our Father.

After the national championship win, Gary Gilmore points to heaven, giving glory to God.   
He said later in an interview after the last pitch that the all he could do was focus on praying, that it was out of his hands and all in God’s.  

Gary recognized this because he was FOCUSED on the FATHER.
Gary Gilmore’s Interview after the
College World Series

Rest in the truth that God has placed us in the correct time period, in the correct geographical location, and in the correct sphere of influence of people to be valiant awakened giants that are thankful and grateful for all His has given us to do. Remember that those of us who are in the body of Christ live, move and breath from a place of authority and victory with our inheritance awaiting us in heaven.  We reap benefits of our heavenly inheritance here on earth when we FOCUS, lean, and trust on Him.  He awakens our spirits, when we are sleeping giants.  We can pray and intercede on other's behalfs and make a difference in this world to His glory one small feat at a time.  

Father, Thank you that Jesus sets us free, and we are free indeed. Thank you for your Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and victory.  Remind us when we forget that we can call to you in our distress, and you will hear us and answer us.  You will not leave us or forsake us and that all the works and deeds you planned for us to do, you planned them to be for you and for our good. You knit us and created us in our mother’s womb to do good works today and everyday; for it is for your glory that we do anything.  We are your good pleasure.  Help us to not lose site of this and encourage our confidence in all you call us to do today.  We pray we would not get distracted on how we feel or what we can only see. But that you would increase our faith, motivation, and lead us into greater fellowship with you and others in our sphere of influence.  Grant us the freedom from sins and the peace that passes understanding when we believe and trust in your son Jesus, amen.  

Happy 4th Y’all!!


He has sent [us] to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
-Luke 4:19

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